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International Choir at Home

Currently, we are not able to practice in person together, as per the Ministry of Health Rules.

Every Wednesday | 10 am – 12 pm |  Home practice – Online | Free Admission 

We continue to be a core of about 15 singers, Soprano 1, Soprano 2, and Alto, who learn popular music, by practicing at home, sharing videos and audio files via a WhatsApp group.

We have produced 3 virtual choir videos of our singing, mixed expertly by our tech-savvy members, and posted them on our Facebook page.

We are currently seeking a music director, but many of our members have strong musical backgrounds, and we are carrying on until we can find someone to step into the director’s post.

Because we are not incurring recital-space rental or music-purchase costs, there is no fee for this season’s participation.  Just be a member of AWA, and be ready to mix it up in your sound booth at home!
The AWA International Choir welcomes women with all levels of musical experience who love to sing. We rehearse once a week on Wednesdays near Great World City and perform at local venues and AWA events. We charge our members a fee for each season which covers our music scores, rehearsal room, and transport costs. Register for the current season below.

We perform in the community with free concerts for many different causes in Singapore.  We are a happy bunch who love to sing and would welcome you into our Choir.

If you are interested in joining the choir, want to sit in on a rehearsal, booking the AWA International Choir to sing at your event or venue or would like to learn more, please email us.

AWA International Facebook FanPage

About AWA Singapore

The American Women’s Association of Singapore (AWA) is a sisterhood of women from around the world, who come together to enhance their Singapore experience.