Every Thursday is Rockstar Karaoke. Live out your rock star fantasies and sing your favourite hits with our live band! Not only will our professional singer guide you through the song but we’ll supply all the lyrics. Get in touch with us now to be part of our lineup.
Sign up now by registering here!
What is Get Juiced?
Singapore’s first cashless bar & live music experience, located in Clarke Quay.
With an all-new concept that merges entertainment with technology, GET JUICED is an entertainment venue that spans 3 rooms (LIVE, CHILL, DANCE).
With your GET JUICED APP, pre-buy your drinks with top-up credits and save when you buy in advance or in bulk and collect your drinks at the bar. We pass on the savings to you.
Your entertainment experience is enhanced too with song requests via the APP and more. Experience the future of entertainment here at GET JUICED.