Oh Singapore, a country loved by many. But what’s not being loved is the cost of living here in Singapore. It could break your bank if you’re not careful, seriously.


Although, looking at some of the price point could actually scare you off but if you set a daily budget, you could actually make it through, eating good food and having night’s out while still having enough to save for rainy days. This price point may be accurate but there just so happens that you could search a little harder and find cheaper alternatives.

A recommended daily budget would be at $20 (not including transport)!


Getting a little serious here, the most basic thing you need and the most expensive would be accommodation. If you’re earning pretty well, you could opt for a house which is roughly gauged at $3500(>)a month for a 900sqft in an expensive area, usually well around the city or downtown. However, if you don’t mind waking up slightly earlier to get to work and save a few hundred then a normal area for 900sqft would cost $2500(>)a month. If you can live off a smaller place, 480sqft furnished studio is set at about $2000(>)a month and if you don’t mind sharing the whole house with other people, getting your own room will cost $800 (>)a month.

This are estimated prices, you could find cheaper deals but always remember to check if it’s genuine!


Well then, when the most expensive thing is settled, time for you to be able to move around.

Lucky for you, Singapore is a small city state and this made up for the most developed Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) as well as the Light Rail Transit (LRT). Don’t forget the busses that are on the road too! Yes indeed, this has made the option of buying a vehicle optional or totally unnecessary.

Oh yes, the taxis. Indeed it gets expensive during peak periods but otherwise, it’s not really that expensive and with the fact that Singapore has made Uber and Grab (Asia’s version of Uber) totally legal here. This in fact could still break your bank and public transports are still the best option to get to anywhere!

A month worth of MRT, LRT and busses is estimated at $150(>). This of course if you were to get yourself an Adult Valued Smart Card, which minimum top-ups are at $10. Avoiding peak hours would certainly save you a few dollars. A smart travel has been implemented till 31 December 2017, where you could travel to 18 city destinations for FREE if you tap out before 7:45AM or $0.50 if you tap out between 7:45AM to 8AM. Travel early and free while having plenty of time to have a sumptuous breakfast and a cup of damn good coffee.

But again, if you’re able to afford a car, a brand new Volkswagen Golf 1.4 cost at $150,000(>) as vehicles are heavily taxed in Singapore. Well, you definitely need fuel to get your car moving so depending on which petrol kiosk you decided to pump off. Average gas are retailing at $2.00 and above.

Visit https://www.facebook.com/PetrolWatchSingapore/ for updated prices!

Daily Spending (Foods, drinks etc.)

Now that the most important things are over and done with, let’s get to daily spending!

Singapore has everything from the lower class to the upper class families/individuals. Food can be really cheap in the city, especially the coffee shops that are located in every single neighbourhood at a cost $4 for your average chicken rice. But of course, getting chicken rice everyday might just kill you of boredom so eating at local stalls and Hawker centres would save you and give you a lot of varieties. A good hearty meal would be Briyani Rice as their portions are huge and cooked using Basmati Rice which is filling and only cost $6(>). Don’t just stop there, change your meal around!

Drinks are relatively cheap, a can of soft drinks at Hawker centres are at $1.30 (>). Coffees are cheap and served hot as well.

Well, if need be, a bottle of beer at a coffee shop cost $7(>) while a pint of beer at an average bar is about $12(>). Drinking alcohol in Singapore could cost quite a fair bit, but getting wines at supermarkets are at $30(>) for a non-premium wine of course and big bottles of beers are at $7(>)- same as a hawker centre, just that you can’t bring it home.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping can cost quite a fair bit, but this helped to save money instead of eating out every single day when the amount used could probably last a fortnight worth of good home-cooked meal!

There are hypermarket (Giant) located in the Eastern side of the city. A huge stores having not only groceries but all your daily needs and electronics! The good thing is, Giant have discounts that are always on and coming here in lieu of festive period is a budget hack!

Supermarkets (NTUC, Sheng Shiong and many more) but some of the groceries could be bought at nearby shops around the neighbourhood and they usually cost slightly cheaper but fresh stuffs are delivered to this market and you can always count on the quality!

Well for some of you lazy people, ordering groceries are now so much easier and well, got to agree, saves you a lot of time on hand. For starters, we have RedMart. Delivery groceries daily from 7AM to 10PM, you could always count on getting them in time to cook a meal and of course, you can just pay through your debit/credit cards! For first time customers, receive a free delivery if you ordered above $30 while returning ones are eligible for it at a minimum price of $49. Otherwise, delivery charges are at $7 islandwide!

Another one would be Honestbee, a recent startup and head on with Redmart, this two E-commerce have been dominating the industry. Offering same day delivery within an hour, Honestbee also handpicked groceries from multiple stores for the freshest one.

So let’s have a small figure shall we? Let’s say this are the things you need;

Rice (5kg)
Chicken (fillet, 500g)
Beef (500g)
Eggs (30 a pack)
Vegetables and herbs/spices

This would put you at a rough cost of $40. However, some of the items could last you more than a week. Considering the eggs for sure!


Entertainment wise could actually cost quite a fair bit honestly!

As we all are, going to a club is definitely a must to let loose after a stressful week! A night out at a club with a few drinks inside could easily cost you quite the money as drinks cost from $10(>). As clubs goes, renting sofas and buying bottles could cost you too! The cheapest table would cost about $800(>). Quick tip, have pre-drinks outside (bottles from 7-11) cost about $8(>) or go to bars during happy hours (usually from 5pm-9pm!) and then go to a club, getting only 1-2 drinks! Totally worth it.

Cinemas could be pricey, costing at $12-14(>) for regular seats while Theatrical Shows are at $200(>).